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GoDaddy Studio



Launching the GoDaddy Studio globally across multiple markets is a significant achievement that can greatly impact businesses and brands. The product allows you to easily create content for your brand everywhere, from your website to social posts and advertising. It helps your business and brand with ready-to-edit templates, just swap colors, and fonts and add text to images with just a few clicks. It serves as a powerful content creation platform that empowers businesses to enhance their online presence, engage with their audience, and drive growth.

My Role

I had the opportunity to drive the visual and content strategy and was instrumental in bringing together a diverse team of professionals to deliver results. I partnered with more designers, the motion/video content team, the product team, the product manager, the marketing manager, the director of e-commerce merchandising, the content writer, UX researcher and lastly the development team.​ While overseeing the project as a whole, I also made significant individual contributions, such as concept development and design direction. I ensured a smooth handoff to the development team. 

Project timeline

Design kickoff to engineering handoff: 8 weeks

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GoDaddy Studio

GoDaddy Logo Maker

GoDaddy Link in Bio

GoDaddy Studio App

Get Started

Sign in experience

Homepage experience

Design & Content Strategy

The intention is to show the user why they should sign up for studio. Explain the product with clear demo videos. Introduce clear steps on how to start, what they get from it and how easy it is to use. Explain why they should choose us. Inspire them with moments of delights and interactions. Create a clear path, clear visual hierarchy, and sub-nav.

I worked closely with the product team and templates team to create a visual treatment that cohesively ties in with in-product experience. 

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The link-in-bio creator helps customers launch and grow their brand by creating one beautifully designed link-in-bio page for all their sites and social media profiles in minutes.

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This product also provides you with custom logos for your business.  You can choose from hundreds of templates or design your own in minutes.

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Here's a peek into the before and after of the logo maker page. We utilized the new multi feature condensed design system that got adopted by a lot of pages and seems to be performing well.


Homepage experience

There is of course multiple rounds of iterations ad preference tests before we land on the direction. 

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Email experience

I was responsible for overseeing and coordinating on design direction with the product team and the email team, to ensure a continuity and cohesiveness in the overall presentation of the product from email to homepage to landing pages to the product, the over all end-end experience.

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Sign in experience

We worked on a sign in page, tying in with the over all design and experience that leads to the service selector page where I contributed to the icons. Once you are into the experience , my team and I also worked on the marquee 

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  • Curated preference tests and user tests to learn more about visuals messaging in english VS redacted VS localized copy that resulted in making a design direction update to the core design library in the way we treat global design. 

  • Reduced overall production and creative work by 80% by creating scalable images. This helped reduce creative variations, production, dev work  and final review process.

  • Impacted sign up across the globe 5% above expected sign up rate.

  • Influenced  visual branding for post sign up and contributed to design beyond front of site.

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